General info
Server address:
How to get an access token?
To use this API move to your personal account => Integrations =>Click "Connect" under API icon in “Available integrations” section
Why do you need a token and how to use it?
The token is needed to authorize your request. For each Api V1 request described below, you need to add a token in the parameters. Example: /phones?token=Your token
“Phone” is the basic element of the system. If you need to know the settings of a Manager, Department or IVR in our system, then you need exactly “phones”.
GET /phones
There are no additional parameters.
Response => Phone array
Query parameters
Field | Field type | Description |
type | string | "regular" "department" "ivr" |
number | string | Phone number |
outbound_number | string | Outgoing phone number => replacement number for outgoing calls. May be empty. Used when a manager needs to make calls on behalf of a department. |
internal_number | int | Internal phone number |
calls_record_settings | object | Call recording settings |
calls_redirect_settings | object | Forwarding settings |
phone_groups | array | Dial groups for departments |
ivr_rules | object | IVR rules |
Field | Field type | Description |
inbound_enabled | boolean | Recording incoming calls |
outbound_enabled | boolean | Recording outgoing calls |
Field | Field type | Description |
force_redirection | {enabled: boolean, target_number: string or null} | Unconditional forwarding => forwarding will be for any incoming. For example, a manager went to lunch and switched his calls to another employee. |
conditional_redirection | {enabled: boolean, waiting_seconds: int, target_number: string or null} | Conditional forwarding => forwarding if there is no response is longer than the set timeout |
Field | Field type | Description |
name | string | Name of the group |
cycles_amount | int | The number of cycles |
waiting_time | int | Wait time in seconds |
smart_distribution | boolean | Smart distribution |
numbers | array | Array of group numbers |
working_schedule | array | Array of 7 elements. For each day of the schedule. |
Field | Field type | Description |
day_of_week_index | int | Day of week index (Sunday - 0) |
day_of_week_name | string | Name of the day of the week in English |
enabled | boolean |
start | string | Start of working time ("09:00") |
end | string | End of working time ("14:00") |
“Call” stores all call data.
GET /calls
!The interval between dates has to be less than 3 months!
Field | Field type | Description |
start_date Required parameter | "%d.%m.%Y" | Search for calls starting from this date |
end_date Required parameter | "%d.%m.%Y"
| Search for calls ending with this date |
page default value is 0 | first page is 0 | For pagination |
Field | Field type | Description |
page | int | Current page number |
total | int | Total number of calls |
limit | int | Number of calls per page |
calls | array | Array of calls |
Call array elements
Field | Field type | Description |
call_type | string | "outbound", "inbound" |
sip_status | string | "answer", "no_answer", "cancel", "busy", "unavailable", "other" |
caller_number | string | Who called |
target_number | string | Who was called |
answered_phone_number | string or null | Phone number (If missing, value is null) |
answered | boolean |
registration_time | string(time format) | Call registration time |
start_time | string(time format) | Call start time |
answered_time | string(time format) or null | Call response time |
end_time | string(time format) | End call time |
wait_duration_sec | int | Duration of waiting |
duration_sec | int | Duration of talking |
play_record_link | string | link to recording of conversation |
public_id | string | unique call identifier |